In the busyness of going to class, fishing, the forest for the night on Monday (without internet or television access) then the arboretum and back to the forest on Tuesday then straight to farm work on Wednesday I somehow managed to lose track of the date. The morning of Wednesday the 12th when we were heading out for tractor training it hit me like a ton of bricks that I had completely overlooked September 11th, the 11th anniversary of the most catastrophic day for The United States of America that I was alive to experience. I can't describe the wave of disbelief and guilt that I felt realizing I had not taken a moment to remember the lives that were lost and honor the rescue teams that bravely responded to the attacks. That was a day burned into my memory though I was only 10 years old. I remember the shock of realizing what was happening in our own country, how tragic and almost surreal it was. Now I'm abroad over a decade later feeling a sense of nationhood strong as ever, like a homesickness in my roots remembering the historical day that changed our country and lives forever. I still feel a pang of shame to have not realized the day as it happened, but it doesn't keep me from recalling the pain of 9/11 or having pride in the way America banded together through this difficult chapter in our history.
Sending love to those who lost friends or family members in the attack and thanks to those who helped pick up the pieces to rebuild a stronger nation. You make me proud to be an American.
xoxo America